True, I've found a few forum entries and blogs about it, and how cool it was. But nothing about DIY modifications, or how it handles in touring situations, or adapting other things to fit it; so that's one of the things I'll do on this blog.
This is the wooden platform my dad and I crafted out of cedar. The standard one was plastic. Nothing wrong with it, but I wanted something a little classier, and besides, the newer model Ute's get a wooden deck, so why not?
I also added some handlebars with a drop position (flipped north road bars). My one pet peeve with the Ute is, although an upright position is comfortable for flat land cruising, any longer distance riding, uphill or headwind riding, and general want for more than one hand position was lacking with the stock cruiser bars. I also found that the bike felt more steady under a load.
The next thing I'll address is the kickstand, which on this version of the Ute (2007, I believe) was frankly, bad. We just got a new torch, so once I get some kind of adapter fab'd up to mount a better one, I'll post the details. If their is a demand, I may even sell them. Who knows.