Last weekend (April 10th), Renee, myself, and Renee's former roommate Ned, packed our gear (actually, I was the only one to bring anything other than booze), hopped on the PatCo, and rode our bicycles into the woods somewhere in New Jersey. Fourteen or so miles away from Lindenwald, under the cover of a quiet, starry sky. It had it's share of thrills, being as it was darker than dark, and I was the only one with an adequate light. Cars seemed to give us plenty of room though. It was a beautiful, if slightly chilly night. Not the kind of night where you split the time between taking off layers and freezing your ass off. More like when you are moving, and it's just cool enough to keep you from sweating. In other words, nice. So, with the stars overhead, we venture into the woods, headed toward a bonfire and friends to keep us warm. Food and drink is had, along with stories, and entertainment via staring into a fire pit for hours.
On the ride back the next morning, it was steady cruising. We stopped at a Heritage Farms to get a bite to eat and refill our water bottles. I was starving, so I ate too fast, then puked, much to the chagrin of the people watching me puke. Good times. We made it back to the train with 4 minutes to spare, and was carried promptly home to Philadelphia. Then we ate a bunch of crab legs. Awesome.